The Best Treatments For Cracked Heels
June 11, 2021
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Submitted by: Rashad Alex
What Can I Do About Cracked Heels?
What in the world can you do when you have cracks in your heels the size of the Grand Canyon? I feel your pain! Having gone through the problem of cracked heels myself, I am going to share with you the information and help I found through research and personal experience. I found treatment options that give relief for cracked heels, and can even keep cracked heels from returning. Don’t despair, help is on the way!
It helps to know what exactly causes cracked heels…
Cracked heels are a foot problem that many people suffer from. Sometimes these cracks are called fissures, especially when they get deeper and wider (and more painful!) The cause of cracked heels is extremely dry skin on the feet, and it becomes worse when a rim of callus forms around the outside edge of the heel. Then small cracks appear in the heel or callus, and they become cracked heels. Wonder how the cracks appear? Think of a tomato on a counter. If you take the palm of your hand and start pressing down on the tomato, what happens? It cracks, right? Well, that’s exactly what happens to your heel when there is too much pressure, and your feet are very dry. If your cracked heels get worse, the cracks may even bleed and get infected. It’s very important to get on top of the problem before your cracked heels get more severe.
Factors that cause cracked heels:
– Prolonged standing on your feet
– Having diabetes
– Wearing open shoes that dry out your feet
– Being overweight
– Not moisturizing your feet
– Being predisposed to dry feet
The bottom line is that cracked heels occur when the feet dry out too much and there is too much pressure on the feet. When the foot gets pressure and wants to expand outward, if the heel isn’t pliable and moist, it cracks.
Some treatments I’ve found to be very helpful to relieve cracked heels.
These are some things you can do to treat your cracked heels, and hopefully keep your cracked heels from returning!
– Use a pumice stone in the shower or bath EVERY DAY to remove the thick callus or dry skin on your feet.
– Moisturize your cracked heels with a good cream or moisturizer twice daily.
– Wear closed shoes as often as you can to keep your feet from drying out.
– Wear socks to bed to keep your feet moist.
When it even hurts to put on your shoe or take a step on your heel, you know you have a problem with cracked heels. The only way to heal your cracked heels is to follow the above treatments, or go see a Dr. If none of the mentioned treatments for cracked heels seems to be working, or your cracked heels get worse, see your Dr. immediately. A doctor can give advice, prescribe medications, and perhaps even “strap” your cracks together until they heal.
About the Author: Edgardo Vantrump and Mr. Lindsey Are mentors who are able to give the type of help only a Dr. Omary has been able to provide in the past. To so my dear Mother I also say thanks.Cracked heels are a foot problem that many people suffer from. Sometimes these cracks are called fissures, especially when they get deeper and wider (and more painful!) The cause of cracked heels…. Learn more at
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