Millions to turn off lights for Earth Hour tonight

September 30, 2018 Off By

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), organizers of the fifth annual Earth Hour, is asking people all over the world to turn off lights tonight from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. local time in support of energy conservation and awareness of climate change. In 2010, 128 countries, 4,000 cities and 1,000 landmarks worldwide participated in Earth Hour, including 13 million people in the UK.

In a statement on their website, the WWF said, “Every year Earth Hour asks individuals, businesses and communities worldwide to show their commitment to the environment. This Earth Hour, we hope you will turn off your lights. But when the lights go back on, we want you to go beyond the hour and think about what you can change in your daily life that will benefit the planet. Let’s work together to create a better future. Our actions can add up.”

Promotion by world leaders such as United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is encouraging wide participation in Earth Hour 2011. This year about 130 countries are expected to take part. Such world landmarks as the Eiffel Tower, Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil, Big Ben, the Las Vegas Strip, the Burj al Arab Hotel in Dubai, the Acropolis in Athens, the Sydney Opera House and Beijing’s Forbidden City are expected to go black. The 15 100-foot-tall “iconic” towers at the Los Angeles International Airport will turn green and then go black for an hour, the airport announced in a press release.

WWF’s Earth Hour has a unique ability to unite and empower people around the world

In 2011, Scotland became the first country in the world to obtain Earth Hour cooperation from all of its cities and local jurisdictions, reported Dr Richard Dixon, director of WWF Scotland, emphasizing that Scotland was going all out this year for Earth Hour. He said, “With record support from cities, local authorities, iconic landmarks, schools and other organisations people will be left in no doubt that Scotland cares about tackling climate change.”

Dixon praised the efforts of the organizers of Earth Hour: “WWF’s Earth Hour has a unique ability to unite and empower people around the world.”